Highlights of the April Board Meeting

 1. 70 students of Komatsu, Ishikawaken High School band played on March 31 for seniors and other members.
2. Annual Spring Bazaar has been successfully completed. Thank you to all helpers and to the generosity for those who bought and sold.
3. Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Memorial service was held on Apr. 3, guest speaker was M. Newton Sensei.
4. Rev. L. Kawamura Memorial service will be held on Apr.23, 1030 am
5. BCJSBTF Spring Directors meeting was held on Mar. 19. in Hope.
6. Hanamatsuri guest speaker was Rev/Dr. Mark Unno, Hatsumairi conducted by Aoki Sensei for Asha Williams, Keia Komori-Kamiya,Sebastian McGrath and Amina Iwanaka.
7. Historical plaque to be placed on exterior wall of temple to describe history of Japantown.
8. Bishop selection will take place at JSBTC AGM, Toronto, VBT chooses to make their election from general membership voice as against election by Ministerial Association. Candidates are Grant Ikuta Sensei and Tatsuya Aoki Sensei
9. Sunshine Committee- visitations to ÔÇùshut-ins‘ completed recently, next visits will be in the fall. Thank you to Min Koyanagi for many years service as chair. Kaz Yoshida has
accepted as new chair
10. Green Roof proposal being considered to allow for rooftop gardening. Committee formed to investigate possibility.
12. History Book- Committee reports that draft near completion. Seeking quotations for printing costs and sources for funding. Estimated cost approx. $20,000 for 500 copies

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