In Memory of Reverend Susumu Kyojo Ikuta (Nov 23 1926-Apr 24, 2014)

 It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Reverend Sus Ikuta. We are all benefactors of the great passion he committed to sharing the Dharma. He gave selflessly to develop Buddhism and the Jodo Shinshu tradition in Canada. As a leader of great vision, he taught lessons that leave lasting impressions.
Highlights of his career including 1998-2002 as the Bishop/Socho for Canada, are contained in the Calgary Herald obituary 
Reverend “Sus” Ikuta, as he was affectionately called by many friends, spent much of his tenure at Calgary Buddhist Temple. The temple is rebuilding and the Ikuta family has expressed a desire to provide an avenue of donation to the building fund (New Calgary Temple Campaign) as an option for remembrance.
1. Koden gifts can be sent directly to:
    Teruko Ikuta
    Suite #109, 110 Scenic Drive North
    Lethbridge, AB T1H 5L9
2. To donate to Calgary “New Temple Campaign”:
    Options are available at Calgary Buddhist Temple website                                
Cheques can be made to: Capital Campaign (Please note “In memory of Reverend Susumu Kyojo Ikuta”)
        Mailing address: 
        Calgary Buddhist Temple
        207, 6th Streeet N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 3Y1
It is with great honour that we follow in the footsteps of the path Reverend “Sus” Ikuta paved.

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