New Year’s Greeting
Happy New Year! At the beginning of the New Year, I would like to extend my warm regards to you all.
As in previous years, many people throughout the world have been affected by natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. I would like to offer my deepest condolences to all who have perished in those calamities. I would also like to express my sympathies to those who are still coping with the dire situations. It is my sincere hope that all who have been affected will soon be able to return to normalcy.
Buddhist Parable- this should resonate for attendees of Rev Aoki's Saturday Online Services.
Two Monks and a Woman

The Living Dharma Centre presents Gems: a book written by Ocean's author Rev. Dr. Ken Tanaka, Dr Durgesh Kasbekar and John Negru of Sumeru Press. This work is a great read for anyone interested in Buddhism and is especially a fabulous resource for people who are far from a Buddhist Temple and attendees of Virtual Services from all over Canada.
Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia aggressively began its invasion of Ukraine through military force.
It has been reported that in cities across Ukraine, many civilians including children have become victims in addition to the well over one million Ukrainian citizens forced to flee becoming refugees.
We, the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization, strongly condemn taking human life lightly as well as using military force to unilaterally try to change reality through violent actions for no matter what reason.
“All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”
(“Dhammapada” Chapter 10 verse 30)
Regarding Jodo Shinshu Day and your story for Shin Buddhist Minister education and development.
I hope everyone is well and healthy. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back at the temple one day. I would like to share a story of 'Two rivers and the White Path. This is a parable which appears in “The Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra” by Chinese Buddhist monk, and one of seven masters of the Pure Land School, namely Shan-tao (Zendo in Japanese) (613-681).
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