October November Bodhimind Newsletter available for download here

September Bodhimind Newsletter available for Download here.

So Heavy-a Buddhist Parable

Buddhist Parable- this should resonate for attendees of Rev Aoki's Saturday Online Services. 

Two Monks and a Woman

A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman was unable to cross by herself and asked the monks if they could help her.

2024 is our Anniversary Year!

2024 is our Anniversary Year! 
“ Those who are born first, guide those who come later, and those who are born later, join those who were born before them. This is so that the Boundless Ocean of birth-and-death may be exhausted.” 
(In “Passages on the Land of Happiness”, by master Tao-ch’o [562-645]) 

2024 VBT 120 th Anniversary ‘Okagesama’ / Building 45 th Anniversary

2024 VBT 120 th Anniversary ‘Okagesama’ / Building 45 th Anniversary    
     We are celebrating our the 120 th anniversary of our temple and the 45 th anniversary of our      building.  I am thankful for being able to share with all of you the special services coming in 2024.  The board and I are planning a series of services and special gatherings in 2024 so that as many of you, as possible, can join us and be a part of our celebrations. 

Message on Maui Fires and the loss of the Hongwanji Mission Temple in Lahaina


08/09/23: Email from Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani

Dear Ministers and Temple Presidents,

Gems - An introduction to Canadian Buddhism for Young People and the Young at Heart

The Living Dharma Centre presents Gems: a book written by Ocean's author Rev.  Dr.  Ken Tanaka, Dr Durgesh Kasbekar and John Negru of Sumeru Press. This work is a great read for anyone interested in Buddhism and is especially a fabulous resource for people who are far from a Buddhist Temple and attendees of Virtual Services from all over Canada. 

Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine from our mother temple

Statement on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine


On February 24, 2022, Russia aggressively began its invasion of Ukraine through military force.

It has been reported that in cities across Ukraine, many civilians including children have become victims in addition to the well over one million Ukrainian citizens forced to flee becoming refugees.

We, the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha Buddhist organization, strongly condemn taking human life lightly as well as using military force to unilaterally try to change reality through violent actions for no matter what reason.

Statement for Peace

Bishop Tatsuya Aoki

“All tremble at violence; life is dear to all. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”
(“Dhammapada” Chapter 10 verse 30)

Letters from Bishop Aoki and national president Laura Sugimoto

Regarding Jodo Shinshu Day and your story for Shin Buddhist Minister education and development.

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